About Us

About Us

We Learn Smart Way To Build Bright Future

St. Louis N/P School Bida is a leading educational institution in Nigeria that provides a holistic education to create leaders of tomorrow and a better future for all. We are a co-educational school, with a population of over 500 pupils, ranging from 3 months to 18 years of age.

Most Successful Results Institute For Pupils Since 90’s

  • Outdoor Games

  • Sport Activites

  • Nutritious Foods

  • Event & Party

Our Activities

We Do Something Better For Bright Children Future Activities

Study & Game

Study and game is the best way to learn and grow. We have a lot of games and activities for your kids. We are the best when it comes to learning and playing.

Event & Programs

Our events and programs are designed to help pupils to develop their skills and knowledge in the field of technology. We provide a platform for pupils to showcase their talents.


We provide a platform for pupils to compete with each other and showcase their skills. We also provide a way to get in touch with the best teachers in the country.

Outdoor Games

We have a large playground for outdoor games. We have a large playground for outdoor games. We have a large playground for outdoor games.


Student Enroll


Total Classes


Expert Teacher


Years Experience

Ready To Admit Your Child ?

We are ready to help you. Please contact us via call or fill out the form by clicking the enroll button.

  • Hotline
  • +2348132871614
People Feedback

What People Say About Our St. Louis N/P School Bida